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歌手:I Rock 所屬專輯:電視原聲 我愛搖滾 澳洲版插曲 歌曲:Heartbreak Scorsese - Snob Scrilla mp3 Heartbreak Scorsese - Snob Scrilla I Rock歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://m.ssgv4xm.cn/ting/465991.html
1Pills - The Mess Hall
2Limited Invitation - The Little Ponies
3Give It To Me - Boy Crazy Stacey
4My Brother’s Room - Tim Rogers
5Alive - Rocket Science
6Pauly - Laura Imbruglia
7Escape From Tomorrow Today - The City Lights
8Abigail - Jasper Taylor
9Annabelle - The Wanton Boys
10House Party - The Little Ponies
電視原聲 我愛搖滾 澳洲版插曲
1Get Ready To Die - Magic Dirt
2Abigail - Jasper Taylor
3Not a Prisoner - Akimbo
4Wintertime In Hollywood - The Lovetones
5No Book Is A Bible - Boy Crazy Stacey
6Give It To Me - Boy Crazy Stacey
7Annabelle - The Wanton Boys
8Escape From Tomorrow Today - The City Lights
9Comet's Song (Andy Bang Version) - Nash Taylor
10He Is All I Need - Goodspeed
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