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歌手:Bicentennial Man 所屬專輯:電影原聲 - Bicentennial Man(機(jī)器管家) 歌曲:The Magic Spirit mp3 The Magic Spirit Bicentennial Man歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://m.ssgv4xm.cn/ting/400709.html 抱歉!暫無歌詞.
1The Machine Age
2Special Delivery
3The Magic Spirit
4A Gift for Little Miss
5Mechanical Love
6Wearing Clothes for the First Time
7The Wedding
8The Passage of Time, A Changing of Seasons
9The Search for Another
電影原聲 - Bicentennial Man(機(jī)器管家)
1The Gift of Morality
3Then I Looked at You
4A New Nervous System
5The Wedding
7Petition Denied
8Special Delivery
9Mechanical Love
10A Truer Love
特別聲名:本頁(yè)不提供Bicentennial Man的歌曲 The Magic Spirit試聽,您可以進(jìn)入The Magic Spirit 歌詞 頁(yè)面查看 Bicentennial Man演唱的歌曲The Magic Spirit歌詞。如果您喜歡 Bicentennial Man 歌曲 The Magic Spirit 請(qǐng)您購(gòu)買正版CD。