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歌手:西格瑪和聲 Sigma Harmonics 所屬專輯:西格瑪和聲 歌曲:Seal Complete 1:23 mp3 Seal Complete 1:23 西格瑪和聲 Sigma Harmonics歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://m.ssgv4xm.cn/ting/230283.html 抱歉!暫無歌詞.
1One More Tomorrow 0:58
2Rippling Dream 2:24
3The Remains of Time 2:51
4Black Guidance 0:10
5Flowing Time 2:40
6Wandering the Interval 2:32
7Gentle Timbre 2:08
8Approaching Abyss 1:49
9Hope Given 'Dance of the Dog's Howl' 2:34
10Seal Complete 1:23
1BGM 26
2BGM 03
3Hope Given 'Dance of the Dog's Howl' 2:34
4BGM 02
5BGM 01
6BGM 22
7Tears of Sorrow 1:06
8Heartening 'Dance of the Cornered Rat' 2:43
9BGM 05
10It May Be Bright 'Dance of the Dragon God' 0:56
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