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歌手:午夜兇鈴 所屬專輯:午夜兇鈴美版(The Ring Complete Score) 歌曲:The Suicide mp3 The Suicide 午夜兇鈴歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://m.ssgv4xm.cn/ting/143152.html 抱歉!暫無歌詞.
1Untitle track (unused)
2Untitle track (unused)
3The Funeral
5Untitle track (unused)
610:00 PM
7Shelter Mountain Inn First Time
8Seven Days
9Rachel Is Alone
10Rachel Makes A Copy
午夜兇鈴美版(The Ring Complete Score)
1Aidan's Theme
2Find The Lighthouse / Moesko Island / Anna Morgan
3Rachel And Aidan
4Rachel Is Remembering
5A Dark Place
6Untitle track (unused)
7Untitle track (unused)
8She Never Sleeps Part 2
9She Never Sleeps Part 1
10Untitle track (unused)
特別聲名:本頁不提供午夜兇鈴的歌曲 The Suicide試聽,您可以進(jìn)入The Suicide 歌詞 頁面查看 午夜兇鈴演唱的歌曲The Suicide歌詞。如果您喜歡 午夜兇鈴 歌曲 The Suicide 請您購買正版CD。