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歌手:至尊神探(Dick Tracy) 所屬專輯:至尊神探(Dick Tracy) 歌曲:Showdown Reunited mp3 Showdown Reunited 至尊神探(Dick Tracy)歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網http://m.ssgv4xm.cn/ting/119934.html
1Main Titles
2After The Kid
3Crime Spree
4Breathless’ Theme
5Big Boy/Bad Boys
6Tess’ Theme
7Slimy D.A.
8Breathless Comes On
9Meet The Blank
10The Story Unfolds
至尊神探(Dick Tracy)
2Blank Gets The Goods
3The Chase
4Slimy D.A.
6Tess’ Theme (Reprise)
7The Story Unfolds
8Crime Spree
9Tess’ Theme
10Showdown Reunited
特別聲名:本頁不提供至尊神探(Dick Tracy)的歌曲 Showdown Reunited試聽,您可以進入Showdown Reunited 歌詞 頁面查看 至尊神探(Dick Tracy)演唱的歌曲Showdown Reunited歌詞。如果您喜歡 至尊神探(Dick Tracy) 歌曲 Showdown Reunited 請您購買正版CD。