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歌手:洛基Rocky 所屬專輯:洛基Rocky 歌曲:Alone in the Ring mp3 Alone in the Ring 洛基Rocky歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://m.ssgv4xm.cn/ting/114700.html
1Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky) - DeEtta Little
2Philadelphia Morning - Valentine
3Going the Distance - Valentine
4Reflections - Valentine
5Marines’ Hymm/Yankee Doodle - Valentine
6Take You Back (Street Corner Song) {Rocky} - Valentine
7First Date - DeEtta Little
8You Take My Heart Away - DeEtta
9Fanfare for Rocky
電影原聲 - Rocky IV(洛基4)
洛基 Ⅲ
洛基 V
洛基 IV
洛基 Ⅱ
1Reflections - Valentine
2Take You Back (Tough Gym) - Frank Stallone
3Living In America - James Brown
4Pushin’ - Frank Stallone with Ray Pizzi & Jerry Hey
5Take You Back
6Redemption (Theme from Rocky II)
8Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky) - DeEtta Little
9Decision - Vincent DeRosa
10No Competition
特別聲名:本頁不提供洛基Rocky的歌曲 Alone in the Ring試聽,您可以進(jìn)入Alone in the Ring 歌詞 頁面查看 洛基Rocky演唱的歌曲Alone in the Ring歌詞。如果您喜歡 洛基Rocky 歌曲 Alone in the Ring 請(qǐng)您購買正版CD。